Monday, March 16, 2009


Well here it is. I've got a blog.

I could never think of what I would write in such a thing. Blogs to me always seemed like something suited for the real creative types. Those who look at the world a little bit different than everybody else. I've never thought of myself to be one of those.

But here I am, at a sort multidimensional crossroads, in need of some sort of outlet to process my thoughts. Thus my blog is born.

What has sparked this crossroads? A lot of things changing. Breaking the half-way point in college, having responsibilities seven days a week, and a recent abrupt change in my social life has brought the way I think to a whole new place. I didn't know it existed, and I'm still familiarizing myself with it.

I've grown unsatisfied with myself as a guitar player. Not just my guitar playing though, as a musician in general. I've always boxed myself into a specific genre. It's kinda my own little cliché now. Over the past year, I've began branching out from that cliché. I've never invested enough time in song writing. Now that all of the sudden I've come to this point where the simplest things are spawning different thoughts inside my head, I'm writing every single piece of potential inspiration down. It's caused me to take the way I look at things a step further. I hope it isn't temporary. Maybe there's a songwriter in me after all?

So I'm kind of excited for this chaos that's ensuing in my mind right now. It may not be much compared to the chaos of others, but it's a lot for me to take in.

Sometimes you just need to write everything down, take a step back, and look at it. Then everything becomes much clearer.

1 comment:

  1. Blogs to me always seemed like something suited for the real creative types ... I've never thought of myself to be one of those.Well well well! Mr. Guitar Man, music isn't creative enough? Hmm, then I guess I'm not suited for my own blog since I'm only into photography and not actual art... haha. Just kidding, of course. I'm glad to have found your blog. I like it :]
