Monday, March 23, 2009

Waiting on my World to Change...

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9

One thing good ol' Paul left out of that verse was timing. He should've tagged a little "Oh yeah, and you'll have no idea when it's coming at you either."

One thing Pastor Dave likes to point out on weekends that we feel God will be doing awesome things is that Satan attacks us in other ways to try to bring us down. Thing is though, there's no stopping God. Satan can throw his whole bag of tricks at God and his plan, but no matter what, God's gonna win out, and Satan's gonna get his behind handed to him for eternity.

Now why do I bring these two things up? God having greater things in store for us, and Satan's futile attempts at stopping God's awesome movement? Because a good point was brought up to me today. I'm going through the toughest semester of school I've ever been through right now (and I'm not the fondest of school in the first place), at a point where I absolutely have to decide the exact path the rest of my college education will take, and am kinda feeling like I'm missing out on something more fullfilling? I'm part of one of the most fantastic churches in the world, striving to bring cultural relevance and relatability to people and God's word. It's fantastic. Yet I sometimes wonder if there's more that I could be doing? More for my church, more for myself, more for my God?

Is Satan trying to bring me down before a door is opened? Or am I just being put through a time in my life where I have to grow, work hard at things I don't understand, and it'll all payoff in the future? It almost all sounds kind of immature when I look at it from a distance, but I guess that's just where I am right now.

So for now I have to keep working through school, and try to juggle school work, church work, and work on myself (musically, spiritually, relationally), and maybe someday soon God will open up some door, some crazy life change that'll just make everything click. A blessing of Clarity.

Matthew 6:34 - "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."


  1. From what I've learned, the longer you spend in this state of confusion and anticipation, the more striking the clarification will be when he decides to reveal it to you. Then, when everything finally makes sense and 'clicks,' you might not even regret having completely screwed up some parts of your life - you *have* to go through all that to eventually understand anything; just keep loving life, even when you don't necessarily love *your* life. It's humbling when you understand it's not up to you to figure out your life. Each of us has a role in the body - if you feel like you're supposed to be doing something bigger, he definitely has bigger plans for you, that's why he's giving you that desire. But he molds us one day at a time, and each day of learning and growing will be invaluable in building you up to your potential. Your willingness and desire comes before your ability - in this way he uses those least capable; of course it doesn't make sense to us, first we must live as servants learning at his feet. -pman

  2. As much as I agree with mister 'pman', I also have to say that I always find God giving me my own space to grow and learn [from Him] EVERY single day. So when you ask if this is just a time in your life where you're supposed to grow and work hard, I say that it's not just a time. It's all the time. I think that He wants us constantly understanding things around us, so we never lose sight of our priorities and values. Like, if this was just a phase you're going through, when does it end? Is it possible to know? I hope you see where I'm coming from.
    Then again, I could be misunderstanding everything you're saying here haha.
